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I'm confused - Consolidation upgrade to 2014

I'm going to consolidate/upgrade to 2014 from 2005 and 2008 R2.I got this guidance. I'm confused. I will not say anything but ...[quote]We are proposing significant change, going from 4 VM’s and 1 Physical server to 2 VM’s. Yes, we will have more resources that include increased memory capacity, faster clock speed CPU’s, higher output storage for improved I/O etc., but this does not guarantee improved performance as you know. I would like for you to take each current server being utilized, outline the specs and resources associated and build a monitored time study to determine how it performs over a several day period based on its role. (For example, the cyp_report server has 4 processors, 16 GB Ram, etc. Over a period of XX, the max processor utilized was XX, the sustained usage was XX, there were multiple cache reads that exceeded XXX indicating I/O was the bottleneck, etc. The peak memory usage was driven or caused by XXX. By doing XXXXX, we can reduce the memory spikes by xx%.)Once we have this type of analysis, we can justify and deliver a better platform based on the requirements. We chastise developers for coding and figuring out requirements as they go and It feels like we are doing the exact same thing. Once we have a complete analysis, we will build a spec box on the new platform with a subset to data and provide a proof of concept for the data team. I am confident this approach will enable us to stay aligned with them and reassure them we are making the move for improvements, not just for the sake of upgrading.[/quote]No comprende.Please critique. :w00t:Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.

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