I've had a search for this answer but can't find a document that says what I need.With the new restriction that each VM has to have a minimum of 4 cores assigned to it, regardless of how many vCPUs it has assigned, I stumbled onto Brents Blog [url]http://www.brentozar.com/archive/2014/04/sql-server-2014-licensing-changes/[/url] which talks about "making sense to license the entire host". Am I able to install ESXi on a host, for example that has a dual core processor, License the physical machine for SQL per physical core and then run as many versions of Windows + SQL on top as I like (ignoring the performance issues this will cause)ORas it is running on a virtual platform, I can't license the entire host and I'd need to buy 4 core licenses for each version of Windows + SQL I have running on my 2 core machine, so for 2 Windows + SQL on a 2 core machine, I would have to buy 8 core licenses?I find Microsofts licensing model confusing!Any links or advice is appreciated.Thanks--Wayne