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Replication Failover

Hello, I have a SQL 2014 Replication with AlwaysOn Availability Group configured in 2 nodes (SRVSQL1 and SRVSQL2), 1 distributor (SRVSQL3) and a listener called 'SQL', configuration was made following this tutorial [url]http://www.techbrothersit.com/2015/07/how-to-setup-replication-with-alwayson.html[/url] and works fine except when I do a failover from SRVSQL1 to SRVSQL2, when it occurs subscriber continue taking SRVSQL1 as primary and updates on subscriber take place because SRVSQL1 continue in read mode, but if I shut down the SRVSQL1 (simulating a harware failure) the subscriber lost connection with SRVSQL1 and no replication occurs, the susbcriber continue waiting for SRVSQL1 that may be unavailable for a long time.I've tested with [b]sp_redirect_publisher[/b] and [b]sp_get_redirected_publisher[/b] returns me the new publisher SRVSQL2, but without changes on subscriber...Also I've deleted the subscription and configured again from scratch, but it continues linked to SRVSQL1 wich is not available...What I'm missing?How can I tell to all subscribers (30 approx) or distributor that the current publisher is SRVSQL2 ?Thanks!

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