Hi,we have SQL Server 2012 software of Enterprise and Standard Edition.1. Microsoft SQLSvrEnterpriseCore Sngl Licence/SoftwareAssurancePack OLP 2Licences LevelC CoreLic - Quantity 32 2. Microsoft SQLSvrStandardCore Sngl Licence/SoftwareAssurancePack OLP 2Licences LevelC CoreLic - Quantity 30Please let me know what is meaning of a) Sngl Licence b) 2Licences Levelc c) QuantityPlease let me know how many cores of VM or pyhical server 1 quantity enterpise or standard edition of sql server can use.a) Suppose there are 4 VM server and sql server 2012 ENT/STD is installed on it. How can we come to know number of sql server quantiy used on each machineb) 1 Quantity of 'Microsoft SQLSvrEnterpriseCore Sngl Licence/SoftwareAssurancePack OLP 2Licences LevelC CoreLic' supports how many coresRegards,Nikhil P Desai