Hi,We have encrypted a SQL Server 2014 database with a Thales nCipher HSM successfully.The asymmetric key has been created with the following statement :[code="sql"]USE masterGOCREATE ASYMMETRIC KEY SQL_EKM_RSA_2048_AsymKey_TDEFROM PROVIDER SQL_EKM_ProviderWITH PROVIDER_KEY_NAME = 'EKM_RSA_2048_Asym_TDE', ALGORITHM = RSA_2048, CREATION_DISPOSITION = CREATE_NEWGO[/code]Below is the statement we ran to create the database encryption key : [code="sql"]CREATE DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEYWITH ALGORITHM = AES_256ENCRYPTION BY SERVER ASYMMETRIC KEY SQL_EKM_RSA_2048_AsymKey_TDE ;GO[/code]On the target instance, we retrieve the asymmetric key from nCipher, using the following instruction : [code="sql"]CREATE ASYMMETRIC KEY SQL_EKM_RSA_2048_AsymKey_TDEFROM PROVIDER SQL_EKM_ProviderWITH PROVIDER_KEY_NAME = 'EKM_RSA_2048_Asym_TDE', CREATION_DISPOSITION = OPEN_EXISTINGGO[/code]Now we are willing to restore that database on a distinct instance; both are SQL Server 2014 with the exact same build number : 12.0.4213.0The RESTORE DATABASE instruction fails with the following message :[i]Msg 33111, Level 16, State 4, Line 2Cannot find server asymmetric key with thumbprint '0xCBC582F206A84C4B78F9A966B6E77F5BEDB26D66'.Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 2RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.[/i]And sure enough, when looking into sys.asymmetric_keys, on both instances, the thumbprints are not matching.Have you encountered this issue, and if so, could you share how you solved it ?ElSüket.